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Med Star (IMO 8604345)

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A report from Sweden and Gotland Boat AB 
They have this moment received any shareholder to add 700,000 Euros to cope with the "running" of his unit .. And after an extraordinary board meeting in early August earmarked Gotland Boat's Chairman and a new person elected to the Board. Which in praktien not mean anything, Furthermore, it was decided that the share capital was set at € 2.5 million was written down to 50,000 euros to cover cash bristen.I practice this meant that they avoided the need to inject new capital because the capital had almost used up .. and by law can not be less than half of the original value of equity.
Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the Board had the authority to make two new emeitsion of the share capital. the first when MV / Vastervik be delivered and the other in connection with the vessel be brought into service in Sweden summer 2015
(This is information from the shipping company)
Furthermore, I will mention that the municipality in Vastervik also proven to be a partner in Gotland AB boat which is contrary to municipal law and is likely to have repercussions in Vatsrevik city. Moreover, it has high-ranking members of the municipal government had insight through eg wives who owned shares in Gotland boat .. in other words they have had vested interest in controlling the communal money for their own benefit in shipping company..
At the moment of writing, so claiming Rederi AB Gotland boat that must have access to the terminal that the state contracting services between Gotland and the mainland where there is written agreement to secure infrastructure.
The most probable scenario is likely that this will be decided by a tribunal. But we are used to in terms of Gotland boat and its ownership structure .. It is not the first time it happens and probably not the last one of all the different companies that Gotland boat's former Chairman makes a big circus out of .. We are waiting for a continuation where .. 
In the meantime, I sum up my impression of forward momentum and all excuses ..
Even so claims the company that Greeks on the yard was a large amount of debt that traffic is not started .. strikes, sabbotage strange union contract the Coast Guard and strange imaginary regulations and additionally so was the Greek workers are lazy .. Many apologies and declarations of Gotland boat ..


But never a word about the owner of the ship or done something wrong .. nek only other external hard verified data and specious excuses. increasingly likely to protect their own capital to shareholders in their eagerness to pursue a project like this to his abyss into obscurity .. 
I am grateful to those persons do not have access to my money .. 
The sum of this summer is that the whole of the initial share capital is gone. it has bank debt of approximately: 700,000 Euros + new capital contributions from shareholders for an additional 700,000. 
So probably it is close to 4,000,000 Euro thrown out in nothing .. 
The company claims it has a million demands on the Greek owner of the vessel. 
I can only congratulate everyone involved for a brilliant deal ..  :lol:
Forgot to mention it to Gotland boat is before the National Consumer Agency at the moment where they refuse to compensate the travel booked on Gotland boat before it became clear that no boat would sail this summer .. There is the further million demands on the company .. 
Many are waiting for the imminent bankruptcy that sooner or later it will happen .. There is a reason that larger well-established shipping companies never tried to start a line like this .. and in addition to the price of 9 euros per trip .. Someone had figured on the number of booked passengers per trip and the average was 238 pc,
If you have questions on this and I will try to help answer them.
Edited by Bandit
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Thank you very much for this interesting summary! It seems, that the Gotland traffic always had/have/and will have problems ... Very sad. Gotland deserves better.

A question: Is there really a market for a second company, especially in the winter?

Edited by Ariadne
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Thank you very much for this interesting summary! It seems, that the Gotland traffic always had/have/and will have problems ... Very sad. Gotland deserves better.

A question: Is there really a market for a second company, especially in the winter?

The traffic from Gotland call "mainland traffic" is a contract from the Swedish government .. that is used to maintain the goods and services as well as personal service on the island of Gotland It can be compared to a "pay road" The traffic is driven by another Company who made ​​it in many years in which they won contracts put out to tender. where different companies can bid on traffic. 10-15 year basis
The traffic Gotland boat shall conduct are summer service .. about 2 months .. But the shipping company has also in public gone out and said that it should be within 3 years have at least two own boats and run winter traffic .. These claims, I think you should take with a large pinch of salt .. 
Summer time it's four boats a day on a rolling four-hour schedule on all boats .. And in winter reduces the traffic down to two boats and two trips daily on the contracted services and then often only boats filled to 1/3
The short answer to your question of competing companies, the answer is No, and especially not in the winter.
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Tjelvar .. oh now you talking about ships that sailed in the Middle Ages .. :lol:


Today it speculates on Gotland that MV / Vastervik be scrapped and breaking up .. And Gotland boat AB says that the boat is good and it is just a stabilization test left to do .. The same test as the company tried to do since May .. But interrupted by that storms and that inspectors resigned .. while strikes and the Coast Guard and thieves saboteurs will do anything to Gotland AB boat should not get "their" boat .. 


At the same time as writing a newspaper that the boat will sail to Italy and Gotland boat tells the same newspaper that they expect to have the boat in Sweden and own port before year-end ... 

No one mentions anything about the Greek shipowner and any liabilities of the ship ..  :blink:



This boat must soon go  to make a film about in Hollywood .. a brilliant opportunity to write a script with intrigue and half-truths and different fictional orskaer. spice it all with lazy Greek workers and success is a fact .. -_-

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Εχει γίνει καμμιά αγωγή ή άλλου είδους νομική δίωξη εναντίον αυτού τού Τζανετάτου απ'τους Σουηδούς;Διότι εξ όσων καταλαβαίνω απ'τα Ελληνοαγγλικά posts,οι Σουηδοί έδωσαν λεφτά στον πλοιοκτήτη ώστε να ολοκληρώση το πλοίο πρίν τους το δώση γιά ναύλωση (δέν ξέρω άν σε άλλη χώρα θα ναύλωνε κάποιος ένα ημιτελές πλοίο,δίνοντας μάλιστα λεφτά στον ιδιοκτήτη του γιά να το ετοιμάση) και ο πλοιοκτήτης τούς "δεδούλευκε" (που λέει κι'ένας φίλος μου) και έκανε ελάχιστες εργασίες στο πλοίο.Υποθέτω ότι οι Σουηδοί ναυλωτές μπορεί να είναι αγαθοί,"αγαθιάρηδες" όμως δέν είναι και επομένως υπέγραψαν με τον Τζανετάτο κάποια συμβόλαια που ώριζαν ποιές εργασίες έπρεπε να γίνουν και πότε έπρεπε να ολοκληρωθούν.


Εκτός άν η όλη δουλειά συμφωνήθηκε "στο μιλητό",οπότε τί να πώ,καλά λένε οι άλλοι ότι οι Σουηδοί έχουν το μυαλό τους μόνο στο σέξ..... :D


ΥΓ.Διαβάζω στο post τού Bandit στίς 21 τού μηνός ότι "the municipality in Vastervik also proven to be a partner in Gotland AB boat which is contrary to municipal law and is likely to have repercussions in Vatsrevik city. Moreover, it has high-ranking members of the municipal government had insight through eg wives who owned shares in Gotland boat .. in other words they have had vested interest in controlling the communal money for their own benefit in shipping company..".Διαπλοκή δέν το λένε αυτό εδώ στην Ελλάδα;

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Εχει γίνει καμμιά αγωγή ή άλλου είδους νομική δίωξη εναντίον αυτού τού Τζανετάτου απ'τους Σουηδούς;Διότι εξ όσων καταλαβαίνω απ'τα Ελληνοαγγλικά posts,οι Σουηδοί έδωσαν λεφτά στον πλοιοκτήτη ώστε να ολοκληρώση το πλοίο πρίν τους το δώση γιά ναύλωση (δέν ξέρω άν σε άλλη χώρα θα ναύλωνε κάποιος ένα ημιτελές πλοίο,δίνοντας μάλιστα λεφτά στον ιδιοκτήτη του γιά να το ετοιμάση) και ο πλοιοκτήτης τούς "δεδούλευκε" (που λέει κι'ένας φίλος μου) και έκανε ελάχιστες εργασίες στο πλοίο.Υποθέτω ότι οι Σουηδοί ναυλωτές μπορεί να είναι αγαθοί,"αγαθιάρηδες" όμως δέν είναι και επομένως υπέγραψαν με τον Τζανετάτο κάποια συμβόλαια που ώριζαν ποιές εργασίες έπρεπε να γίνουν και πότε έπρεπε να ολοκληρωθούν.


Εκτός άν η όλη δουλειά συμφωνήθηκε "στο μιλητό",οπότε τί να πώ,καλά λένε οι άλλοι ότι οι Σουηδοί έχουν το μυαλό τους μόνο στο σέξ..... :D


ΥΓ.Διαβάζω στο post τού Bandit στίς 21 τού μηνός ότι "the municipality in Vastervik also proven to be a partner in Gotland AB boat which is contrary to municipal law and is likely to have repercussions in Vatsrevik city. Moreover, it has high-ranking members of the municipal government had insight through eg wives who owned shares in Gotland boat .. in other words they have had vested interest in controlling the communal money for their own benefit in shipping company..".Διαπλοκή δέν το λένε αυτό εδώ στην Ελλάδα;

This has not been handled by professional Swedes .. but by a gang amateurs who think that a ferry operator is a bit like buying a pleasure boat and swing around a bit with colorful caps .. 
Read an odds to Vastervik would come into service in Sweden .. real low odds on the boat. And even so-called market research is not likely that there shall come in the traffic numbers are now so low as 10-15% 
Then to GotlandsBåtenAB while subject to an investigation by the National Consumer Agency and the interpretation of the EU rules on payments of trips that never delivered .. There, now refuses all compensation to affected .. Make its to touch up the image .. 
I can only congratulate those who managed to get paid for a boat that never gets done :lol:
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My question is whether the Swedish lessors have sued the Greek owner of the ship because,no matter how much "amateurship" they displayed in this case,the fact is that they paid him to prepare the ship for lease-and he didn't prepare it.The lessors might have concluded the business without any written contract or agreement-which is indeed unprofessional and thus they are liable to their municipality-but the Greek owner of the ship is also liable to the lessors for having collected their money without delivering the ship ready for exploitation.Therefore,the matter concerns also the Greek jurisdiction,not only the Swedish one.


As I see it,the case is too complicated and if it weren't for the money involved,it could well become a very comic movie :D  

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It's not officially known whether the Swedes have sued the owner in greece .. It is likely that they are in a grip that they have to invest additional money in order to save the first money it invested in the ship .. But there are things that one can only speculate .. But it is probable that the Greek owner sitting with good cards in his hand .. B)

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Even so claims the company that Greeks on the yard was a large amount of debt that traffic is not started .. strikes, sabbotage strange union contract the Coast Guard and strange imaginary regulations and additionally so was the Greek workers are lazy .. Many apologies and declarations of Gotland boat ..

that's mere bullshit ;)


mega express four and mega smeralda underwent large scale conversions in 2007 at Perama repair docks, by the same lazy workers and the same strange unions, under the same strange regulations. the ships were ready before schedule, at a time when ferries and other ships were queuing at Greek yards and repair docks.


I presume that the guys who run the Gotlandbaten project, have not invested a single cent of their own money, so they can very easily say a lot of nonsense and ask for more cash.

They are not adversaries with Endeavor, but accomplices ;), that's why they have not taken any legal action against Princess T owners.


(παπαριες με το συμπαθειο. οι τυποι που τρεχουν το ολο εγχειρημα δεν εχουν βαλει λεφτα, αλλα ειναι διαχειριστες/κραχτες και πιθανοτατα τα εχουν κανει πλακακια με τους πλοιοκτητες. πουλαν φουμαρα στους σουηδους για να τους αρμεξουν και αλλο. αν υπαρχει αφεντικο ολα γινονται στην ωρα τους, οπως εγινε με τα πλοια της corsica το 2007.)

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Exactly .. lot of bullshit .. mostly from the company's curtains .. and veils change as the wind blows .. And probably it has not invested any major savings of the equity in this project.  -_-


I take it all with calm. and many others do it too .. Gotland boat Ltd. is not very believable with all his various explanations why the boat was does not into service ..


It should be exciting and hear what the next statement is from the shipping company .. Everyone is waiting for them to throw in the towel.

To be continued 

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Εγκαταλειφθηκε ομως και απο τους Σουηδους οι οποιοι δηλωσαν χθες οτι ακυρωνουν τα δρομολογια για το 2015 και στρεφονται σε μελλοντικη τους εναρξη με αλλο πλοιο.



Υ.Γ.Μην αρχισει τωρα και για ολο το χειμωνα το παπατζιλικι με τη Ραφηνα και το Αιγαιο,λυπηθειτε μας.. <_< 

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Εχει εκδηλωθει ενδιαφερον απο Ελληνα πλοιοκτητη για να δρομολογησει πλοιο σε ετησια βαση στη γραμμη Ηγουμενιτσα-Μπαρι(με προεκτασεις το καλοκαιρι σε Κερκυρα,Κεφαλονια και Ζακυνθο)αρχης γενομενης απο τον ερχομενο Μαρτιο.Η εταιρεια φερει το γενικο τιτλο European Maritime Company.Τινος ειναι?


To μαθαμε κι αυτο..Το πλοιο που θα κανει τη γραμμη θα ειναι το νυν Vastervik! ;)

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Το πλοίο υποτίθεται οτι πέρσι δεν ήταν έτοιμο και για αυτό δεν προχώρησε. έχουν γίνει οι δουλειές που έπρεπε από τότε ή γίνονται τώρα?

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Δεν ειπα οτι θα ξεκινησει αυριο. ;) Κι αν δεν ημουν τοσο σιγουρος για την εξελιξη αυτη δεν θα το εγραφα καν αυτο απο τη στιγμη που τη vastervikoλαγνια των προηγουμενων ετων την ειχα σιχαθει. :P  :D

Υ.Γ.Μην αρχισει τωρα και για ολο το χειμωνα το παπατζιλικι με τη Ραφηνα και το Αιγαιο,λυπηθειτε μας.. <_< 

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To μαθαμε κι αυτο..Το πλοιο που θα κανει τη γραμμη θα ειναι το νυν Vastervik! ;)

Ανακοινώθηκαν τα δρομολόγια του Βεντούρη με το πλοίο 'Μπάρι' στη γραμμή Ηγουμενίτσα - Κερκυρα - Μπαρι με έναρξη στις 10 Ιουλίου και προέκταση στην Κεφαλονιά και την Ζάκυνθο.


παει φουλ για φιδεμπορα το βαστερβικ


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Μια τετοια δρομολογηση αν γινει θα ειναι ανεξαρτητη της διμηνης αρπαχτης του Βεντουρη.Οποτε περιμενε

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παει φουλ για φιδεμπορα το βαστερβικ



Μια τετοια δρομολογηση αν γινει θα ειναι ανεξαρτητη της διμηνης αρπαχτης του Βεντουρη.Οποτε περιμενε

Ας δουμε για παραδειγμα τι γραφει σημερα το ship2shore.

La nuova compagnia ellenica è pronta infatti a lanciare una linea traghetto annuale tra il porto di Bari e quello di Igoumenitsa: durante il periodo estivo è prevista l’estensione del collegamento alle isole ioniche di Corfù, Cefalonia e Zante. Allo scopo è stato recentemente acquistato il ro-pax Vastervik, battente bandiera cipriota e iscritto al RINA. La nave, varata nel 1986 in Giappone col nome di Queen Diamond, è stata acquistata nel 2008 dalla compagnia greca Endeavor Lines della famiglia Tzanetatos, che l’ha ridenominata “Princess T”. Le difficoltà economiche di Endeavor hanno impedito, però, che la Princess T debuttasse sulla linea Brindisi-Igoumenitsa-Patrasso già nel 2010, relegandola ad un disarmo lungo 4 anni tra i porti di Perama,Drapetsona, Salamina.

Emergono nel frattempo maggiori dettagli tecnici sul ro-pax greco pronto a competere con Superfast nel porto di Bari: i lavori di ristrutturazione sono stati completati soltanto pochi mesi fà e lo scafo è stato allungato sino a raggiungere i 163 metri (rispetto ai 150 originari). Il traghetto promette una velocità di crociera di circa 22,5 nodi ed è in grado di trasportare 1300 passeggeri nonché 250 auto oppure 89 tir.

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ετοιμάζεται μεθόρμιση από Σαλαμίνα για Πέραμα για το Vastervik, αυτό σημαίνει αποπεράτωση εργασιών και πιθανή δρομολόγηση στην Αδριατική όπως κυκλοφορεί στο Bari ...  

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